Ok, so my last entry left off with you asking yourself some pretty tough questions…
Take a moment to consider and answer the following:
What is your self-talk saying?
Are your thoughts negative?
Are your thoughts positive?
Is what you are saying to yourself going to help you achieve the goal or make the change you want?
Are you doubting you can do it, or are you telling yourself you can?
Are you making a bunch of excuses to yourself about not having enough time, or are you thinking of ways that you can make time?
Are you telling yourself that your health and your happiness can wait because there is someone or something that is more important, or are you telling yourself that it’s time to make yourself a priority again?
It is important to pay attention to our self-talk and what our thoughts are saying to ourselves in our mind.
What are you thinking and saying to yourself?
And what do you want to be thinking and saying to yourself?
We are really good at talking ourselves out of things.
So, this is how we monitor and start to change our negative self-talk.
For this exercise you will need a sheet of paper
1. Current Goal you have for yourself:
2. One Lifestyle Change (behavior) that you are willing to make and commit to today in order to achieve that goal:
3. When you think about making this Lifestyle Change list all the thoughts that come into your mind:
4. Now circle any negative thoughts when you answered #3, there are any thoughts that would be considered a deterrent from you making the lifestyle change and then, in turn, preventing you from achieving your goal:
5. After you circle the negative thoughts above that prevent you from achieving you goal, list the alternative (productive or positive) thoughts below that you would like to have in place of those thoughts:
You are now on your way to changing your thought process and one step closer to achieve your lifestyle change and then, in turn, your goal.
Xoxo, Nina